The Hub Ltd is proud to announce its selection alongside six Hubs around the World to host the Ye! Regional Spotlight sessions as part of Youth Ecopreneur bootcamp, an extension of the Youth Ecopreneur Program (YECO). This Global initiative by the International Trade Centre through the Ye! Community seeks to support young entrepreneurs as catalysts for sustainable development , environmental justice and climate action. The initiative comprises three core areas: Global Bootcamp, Global Accelerator, and Youth Ecopreneur Awards. The bootcamp will be supporting entrepreneurs and startups in Land Restoration and Green business.
With entrepreneurs from across Africa, namely The Gambia, Nigeria, Benin, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, we anticipate great learning sessions in the upcoming weeks. While advocating youth entrepreneurship in the land restoration and green sector, we also aim to raise awareness for sustainable land and management practices. The Hub is proud to be associated with Sustainable Development Goals 9, 13 and 15.